Monday, December 12, 2011

Clean Up Time

I awoke to a messy, but silent house this morning.  The worst part was that I along with the serenity, I also felt a measure of guilt; because I’m pretty sure that the Squeeze had a lot of running around to do this morning, whizzing across to the other side of town to drop Kid 3 off at Kid 1’s – which meant that he got to work late.
I hunted for the speech I wrote for my Dad’s 80th birthday which we are flying off for on Thursday, only to discover that I backed up everything on the planet, except the speech.  Which meant I had to sit and re-rewrite and I couldn’t remember all that I had written before, but knew there were some damned funny lines in there.
Still, with the writing I felt even guiltier, because while travelling down memory lane, I remembered just how much it sucked to be a teenager.  Guess I just have to suck up the “testing of boundaries” and technology and hope that he turns into a human sooner rather than later!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!