My blog sits here doing nothing… perhaps I’m ready to start it again… After years of wandering in normalcy! Being a ‘partner’. Going to work. Doing housework. Yep; you guessed it. I’ve become boring. Mundane is my middle name. Colourless is my description. Where once I used to get glances from men (which put a little zing in my step); now they don’t even see me. They may as well shout it at me, I’m an old balloon head. Well they could shout it out at me if they saw me! I’ve disappeared! Into nothingness!
But stuff that. I say I’m going to get myself back on track!
I’ve become a boring mouse of a woman. I’ve even look like a mouse! Grey and boring. But if it is the spine thing; my life is about to change! No more pain! And it’s hard living your life when you’re in constant pain. I can’t see anything else; it’s all covered with the red haze of pain.
But I’m living in the clouds at this moment because I’m just awaiting scans to see if it is, indeed, spinal stenosis. And if it is; get out of my damned way!
Yes; it comes with surgery on the spine but hell, I wasn’t joking in my last blog when I said I’d sleep with Satan to be fixed!
So… I’m going for scans! Wish me luck!
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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!