Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jobs and things...

I have a job interview tomorrow.  I'm not sure how I'll go because my memory is crap, and I can never remember what to say.  I've had about 3-4 interviews in the last year which have all gone pair shaped.

So; I'm not going to focus on it.  I'll go... I'll prepare... But I'm not holding out hope!

I had stayed at my sisters for the night as her hubby had gone away.  It was an enjoyable evening; in the country with the rain pouring on the pool and us tucked inside.  We ate and then put a spooky movie on (before she fell into a drunken slumber lol).   We got up at 6.30, ate omelettes and she went to work and I came home and walked Sharpie.

All in all, it was a good day!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!