Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Today. Hump Day.

Well I guess it would be if I was at work...

This is week two of not working; I've decided to embrace it.  The house needs a good clean, the garden too. Which basically means all my time spent in this enforced hiatus, is spent cleaning and going to doctor's appointments! So I guess this kind of falls into both the Plus and Minus (house is spotless - plus; all my time is spent on house/garden - minus). 

Great heights. Great lows. It seems a really intense life I'm living! And yet strangely, I feel as though I'm not really living anything. I just biding time; almost until the end. But how does that work? I've got possibly years yet! It does my head in thinking about it.

So; I thought I would focus on Baxter...  Who doesn't have that long to live now; he has cancer poor baby. He is a beautiful boy with a big heart. Like my dog who lives with 4 cats; Baxter lives with 2 of them - who are just part and parcel of where he lives.

We were all shocked because Baxter's the youngest of all our assortment of dogs that live in the extended family. He is a baby by comparison, although doesn't look so now although he still full of life at the moment! 


Baxter. Ode to a beautiful boy.

After 1000's of dollars couldn't save him, they are just going to let him live out his life doing what he loves and I can think of no better way to go than that.

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!