Monday, February 20, 2023

It sucks getting old...

You go to bed one night at about age 5, and wake up and you're 60. Where has life gone? It seems to have taken forever when I was young to await some birthday or Christmas. These days, I shudder in horror as another year passes. Unless I'm getting senile (which odds are I could be with my brain damage lol)

Suddenly life seems slower. Things don't matter as much as they once did, where I would want to kill someone or cry my eyes out or walk around the house like a ghost because my heart was broken. Now everything is mundane. Like the Valentine's Day cards we gave one another - it lacks romance. 

Now don't get me wrong; I don't blame the Squeeze entirely for that. Everything hurts. My legs kill me because I'm suffering from Poly Myalgia Rheymatica (don't ask for an explanation; Google it). The only way to combat that is to go on steroids; so I'm getting fatter (and fatter) and it's not just fluid although that has pushed my face out so I look like a sponge. So I can't blame him for not wanting to rock things between us; and truth tell, I think he'd get a 'fuck off' if he did want to.

But... I don't want this for my life. It's mundane. I wake every day and it's the same, no thrilling things to look forward too; no groovy places to go and see or eat. As we get fatter, we stay home. Can't go out and eat; someone may see us and think "look at those fatties!". I realise that we have, in effect, given up.

So... We can either diet, or pull the dirt over our head because life is over already! I intend to diet because pulling the dirt over my head isn't really an option!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!