Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Feeling like crap...

I don't know why I'm feeling like I want to cry all the time.   I try not drinking of a night - I feel like crap.  I've tried drinking; I feel like crap (but a little better).  I just don't get it...

I've got a house.  A fabulous house which is big enough for me and Sharpie!  There's a spare room for when someone wants to stay and a study.  There is a great kitchen, dining and lounge.  Garden - neat.  The back is a little haphazard because of Sharpie and all my daughters things are in the garage - but they'll soon be gone.

I've got a good car.  A job.  3 years left on my wage insurance anyhow but....

I don't feel right.  I walk around the cemetery every morning and I think what is the point?  All these people probably planned; what for?

I wish something would happen.  A good thing for a change!!!  :(

I like this song...

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!