Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Love is in the air…

Or it would be if I was feeling in the slightest bit romantic; and that’s something I’ll have to rectify.
Upon reflection of those words, I realise sadly that is more like a thing that “we” will have to rectify.  Hmmm, but short of us getting it on night after night in the early days, the Squeeze has never been romantic.  I remember him once pushing me; we were on the dance floor at a wedding.  Jesus, you’d have thought I had the plague! And all because I was trying to dance romantically… Admittedly we were at a wedding and it was towards the end of the night and much champagne had been swilled (by me, not my tea totaling Squeeze) and I’m not a great dancer.
But to be honest, I find it all a little weird.  Before my brain went haywire, I used to love sex. I couldn’t get enough of it.  Now, I’m back with a plethora of women (and men too) who can take it or leave it.  Instead of thinking about how it’s going to make me feel, I just think “great! I’ll have to shower again! Which means cleaning the damn thing after!!!” and I haven’t even started on positions and my leg won’t bend or getting cramp.
So, maybe not tonight, but one night soon.

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!