Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Can someone grab the hot water bottle!

Geelong weather leaves a lot to be desired... There is no 'Beautiful one day; Perfect the next' here.  It was absolutely sweltering the day before, hot enough to cook eggs on your car. Last night, I had a hot water bottle in bed with me it was so cold. wtf is with that??

So last night (all toasty warm due to my hot water bottle) I had my first dream since my brain thingo 3 years previously.  I dreamed again!  My brain is really repairing! It is funny how bad I was when it happened. I went from a senior project manager at Victoria's largest health service to a simpleton over night.  Wow...  I've tried everything to fix it; hyperbaric chamber through to just writing it down! So dreaming again signifies somewhat of a leap into the old 'me'.

And the dream; my first one was always going to be fantastic right? Full of great places, interesting people!  Or maybe vampires... But not bad ones; Twilight ones! And me there in the center of it, dressed in a flowing gown!

Well you would be wrong...

I dreamed of a muffin cooking; I was just getting it from a toaster to butter it.

But my first dream!!!!  I can't believe I've got it back!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!