Thursday, March 2, 2023

Scales. Blasted things.

I got out the scales this morning; which are tucked away in the bathroom because I'm so fat that I didn't want to look at them. I feel like that Micheline Man (which of course is an exaggeration). But when I got the scales out last time, I was so horrified that I put them away where I wouldn't be reminded all the time.

Realty Check: of course there are several things at play here:

  1. These are a new set of scales, so what if they make me 10 kilo heavier. They put a line in the sand which is what I wanted (of course they couldn't make the line lighter!)
  2. My new hips... Mr Google said that they weigh more than the bone they replaced so don't be afraid of the extra weight. Mostly I can move, which is great... but my knees!  My knees are suffering from Poly Myalgia Rheumatica, which sucks but hey; there is a cure. The trouble is the cure is steroids, it least while I'm on it, I'm a freaking moon. (or you could spot me from it...)

So... I find it hard to reconcile the fact that l don't feel any better; not really. I'm still exhausted... I do a bit of housework and then put my aching legs up.  As of this morning, I've now lost 4 kilo. That's 8.81849 pounds in case you wondering. I should be jumping over the moon with energy!

Now some of you are wondering how I've lost 4 kilo in 2 weeks. I'm watching what I eat (mostly) and have halved our meal sizes. Even the Squeeze said it is enough, he could go and have another bowl... but it was enough.  I used the small bowls and filled them as I usually would and we ate slowly.  For breaky, we have a shake; Optislim, but in reality, that is not sustainable... Not for a great length of time. 

Trouble is, we love food, and I'm a good cook... Like tonight I have my sister in law (my brother's in hospital, but don't worry. When the meals are all out and the champagne glasses ready, I'll take a photo and send it to him) and my son and his fiance coming over for a pork belly night - and I cook it amazingly! So I have to wonder if it is just diet.

Then about 2 weeks I went on the supplement called Alpilean. I'm not sure what's in it but it involves taking 1 capsule a day (I brought my daughter a bottle of them this morning to combat her baby weight; and I want to see if it works on her, or it really is just dieting.

Still, 4kg is a lot in 2 weeks...  I guess we'll see when my daughter tries them!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!