Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Bum... I have to go back to work...

I can't say this has been a holiday exactly. Yes; I'm not at work but I'm off sick. Would that I just have taken holidays, I'd be all over the shop! Be out, doing something! In stead, I'm home, doing nothing. Yes, I went out this morning and trimmed a bush because a guy is coming at some stage today to put up an outside blind.  But even doing that is quite exhausting.

Not to mention if I don't go out anywhere, I've got nothing to blog about!

I am bloody tired; I'm hoping that symptom goes away shortly. I only have next week off and then it is back to work and back into normality. If I'm honest, I wonder half of the exhaustion is simply because I don't have anything to do. Which makes going to work not too bad.

I'm just hoping I don't get fired because I've had a month off!

Oh; and happy the first of May day. It feels like a spring day; not winter!

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Thanks. Better check it out but it should be up today!